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Click "Add to Cart" and purchase directly on our website

Frequently Asked Questions

What does A2Z Shipping do?

A2Z Shipping is your all-in-one service for and other online retailers. We order your items, we arrange shipping to Fort Smith, we deliver it all right to your door.

Can you get items that can't ship to the NWT?

Yes we can!  A2Z Shipping can bring in items that don't ship to the NWT, and can get lower priced shipping on millions of other items at and other shopping sites from around the world.

How long do I have to pay after I receive your invoice?

Invoices must be paid in full within 7 days. Prices change all the time, and after 7 days a new order request must be sent. Invoices left unpaid after 7 days forfeit their deposit.

What payment methods do you accept?

At this point in time, we can only accept e-transfer as payment.  Other forms of payment simply cost too much, and we would have to significantly increase our prices to use them.

How long will it take to get my order?

Orders are shipped up to Fort Smith at least once a month.  Busier months will see orders come in faster - as we get more volume, we can order more frequent shipments to serve you.
